Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Why is it people focus too much time and energy on things. Yes I do understand that they may cause cancer, and other horrible things. Did you know that the very air you breathe, and the water you drink (yes even filtered of both) can cause those very same things. Guess what ten years from now those supposed certified organic and safe you will discover were not actually as safe as you claim. Certified organic is just a joke, I am sorry but do research, they still can use pesticide and preservatives they just have to be what the FDA approves. So if you want to be truly healthy, than grow your own food, in a bubble, with water you filtered upon filtered. Then again, if you rid your body of all those nasties all together, you will up getting more sick, because you will lose all your bodies antibodies to fight it. Please if you want to not eat those foods than that is your choice, just please stop trying to force that knowledge down my throat. Choose what you want to eat and allow your family too eat. Because as I stated earlier, what you think is healthy food may not actually be healthy food. There are only a few absolute truths, and that is the God is truth, and loves us all. Two nothing they say is healthy here on earth is actually 100% healthy for you. Three do not follow or believe what others are telling, you most research yourself, and decide for yourself, what is worth the risk and what is not. For in the end it is your body. Have a blessed night.

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