Saturday, November 2, 2013

Real Contractions-disappointments

I have experienced real contractions and go in and out the hospital, well in fact still having the real contractions. After I am there for a little they do slow down, and my water still has not broke. The only thing that did help me become further dilated was walking. But because I am not 39 weeks they will not have me stay at the hospital and walk. Just means I have to go home and walk. Even though it is a little disappointing, but I will just focus on the positive. This means I can walk around my home or outside, sleep on my own bed, still on my own furniture, and not have to pay for more food, because we have food in our home. I have learned that even though this is my second boy that the labor process is different. I did not have braxton hicks or real contractions until after my water broke, and that was just a small leak. Hopefully, by my next appointment which is Tuesday and by then I will be 38 weeks. I will be enough dilated that they will think it is best that I stay until this baby comes, but it is all in God's hands. 
So all you mothers out their take heart, one day you will have your baby, and those hospital trips were worth it because you got to confirm that your baby is at least still very healthy. Your baby will come but it is in God's time and not our own. Have blessed day.

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