Friday, August 3, 2012

Testings to Delays to Development

For those that do not know this my son has a speech delay, a major one at that.  My husband and I suspected for sometime, but finally decided to talk to my son's doctor about that, when he was about 15 months old. She advised us to go get his tested through developmental program through our local health system. After he was tested they suggested we go through a program that is for toddlers to age 3, which was Help Me Grow. He had to get tested again before he got into there program. I learned some helpful skills for my child, and if we ever have another child to help along with there speech. Now I know everyone child is different but they teach you do the activities they love to do already along with them and just add words in that appropriate with what they are doing. Now it does seem like an obvious thing but once you have a child whom is having problems, sometimes your mind seems to shut off, at least my case it did, and only focused on his problem rather than a solution and a way to help him grow. Now I see him as special child that he is, and see that his delay is not a hindrance but a blessing, in many many ways, but I will get into that at another time.
I have also learned that the way to help children really grow is to have them around other children often, at least once a week if not once a day if it is all possible. Time flew by more and more development, granted it was very slow, because at the time my son did not have that many children in our neighborhood that would play with him, nor at our church in nursery, there is not that many children that attend regularly. Time flew by more and he was almost three, it was time for him to get tested for our local school preschool programs to see if he still need extra help. Will he got into there program to help his speech, during the school year he would be seen by a speech specialist, it is only for around 10 minutes at most a week. We as a parent are the ones that are to be there mentors and teachers. Our children do watch our every move and every word. There are some words and phrases I wish I could take back around my child, for I do slip up from time to time. But I try to everyday spend time with him playing a certain activity trying to get him to repeat with words what we are doing. It is a slow and grueling process at times. But it is worth it. I have to say though once my son was in preschool, his speech flared, and his potty training did as well. Now that it is still summer, he is still growing and learning more. He talks much much more, and I can understand a lot more of his words, and others can start to actually understand his speech as well. Which is a major goal, I want him to be able to play with others without me having to tell them what he is trying to say. I hope everyone does not misunderstand I am not ashamed by him I am thankful for him, and all his faults. It has helped open up a new understanding to those with various delays, and maybe one day help those in my similar situations. 
My challenge is to those out there with children that have various delays, seek out programs out there that are for children with those delays, and seek out other parents that are going through your similar situations, so they can help give ideas, on what they have done, and what programs they have done. There are many programs out there that will help you with payments, where you will have to pay little to nothing depending on your income in most cases. Also try to do an activity a day that your children love, and something whatever they are have a delay in. You will begin to see an improvement. It may be slow at first but they will grow and get better. 
Lastly I believe that children can only develop if you first give an interest and pursue it. I hope that what I have said helps you, and helps inspire you. Help you see your children regardless of the situation, and/or delay they are special, and they are amazing and unique.

Hold onto your children, for they are vessels, of your love, of blessings, and show you how to love unconditionally.

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