As I am sitting at home without my son and my husband fast asleep. I am so thankful for the ways that God shows me that he cares for me each and everyday. It is by the little things, and if we don't try to look for them we will miss it. I am so thankful that God shows me he loves me through my son, in the mornings, if he wakes up on his own, he walks into my husband and I bedroom smiling from ear to ear and jumps up and bed with me and gives me a hug. What a wonderful gift of child's love it so pure and innocent. If we could only love others especially our spouses and family members with that kind of devotion, no matter what we look like or what we have done so far your child loves you without question, and will do whatever they can to show that they do love you, and get your attention and affection in return.
The things that breaks my heart, and use to up to recently make me angry:
If parents that flat out ignore there children, where there child has to particularly scream in there face just to get them to look at them.
Or a parent that can't wait to be rid of there child for the day, and when there child comes home there mood goes to be instant sore. Because now the parent cannot focus on what seems to be most important to them, which is there self.
It is very disheartening, when parents, force there children to go outside, and not even try to look for them unless it is time for them to go inside.
Or the single parent, now I am not saying all parents are like this but this is the case for my neighbors on where I live at. The single parent will be outside and even play along with there child but as soon as there girlfriend/boyfriend arrives, their child becomes an after thought.
My only plea is if you have a child, play with them, interact with them. No matter how old they are they are all yearning for a parents love. A child desperately needs a father and mothers love. Children are God's little blessings, I cannot count how many times my son has brought me joy when the world gave me none. My son is such a little blessing. Now he is far from perfect, but we have to look past there imperfections and just see them as a whole being in this imperfect world. Just focus on the good and joyous things they have done for you.
God loves you for who you are and not for what you have or have not done! :)