Oh so many days I wish I could read my sons mind just to know exactly what he is trying to say on the times that he uses my jargon aka gibberish than actual words. However I just enjoy his imagination, and what he can remember along with what he comes up with.
My son can quote his favorite parts of his favorite movie and also act out the part how the character plays out that he is portraying.
He will also have his cars talk and make up games to play while he is using my web cam for a limited time. He makes up so many different things oh if I had the time to describe them all that I have seen him do. I am so proud of how he has grown in speech and imagination.
I am so glad that despite how mostly our neighbor kids treat him, he does not let that effect him and he will still give try to play with them. I hope that their unkind ways and words never effect him, and he will always try to kind and generous towards others.
I just love how if he hears or sees someone upset he will have go and try to help them.
My hope and prayer is he will make friends and be just as kind and silly to his brother (who is due less than two months away) as he is to other children and babies. Lastly that others would see him for who he is and not his disabilities, just as any other child or adult. They have so much to offer to this world do not write them off just because they look, sound or act differently than you. God created them to be that way for a reason.