I thank the lord, that he has answered my prayers. Yes there are still unanswered prayers, put it is not time for them to be answered yet. Just keep the patience, and trust in the lord, he can do anything, and is always waiting, and loving you no matter what you have done, what path you have taken. God can and will deliver you out of any situation.
God has healed my husband of his anger issues, he is a completely changed man. He is truly living for God, and allowing him to lead, rather than trying to trudge through life on his own. He is finally being a living Godly example to our son, and all those he sees through his work. Thank you lord that he living for you and you alone.
God has gave me direction, I was struggling with what God wanted me to do, and having a Godly purpose in the life. God has answered my prayers, and put me back in school to be a preschool teacher. Though this is tough, I stand firm on the foundation of God. That he will provide for my family financially, that we will not be burdened with finical debt for me going back to school. That God will open the doors for me to have the job that he has called me to be. Through that job I will bring many souls back into the house of God.
When we were extremely in debt God opened the door for us to move into our home that is based upon our finances. God came in just in time, and provided for us, he has many times over. Though our credit is high currently, God is in control. I no longer worry about how we are going to pay any of our bills, or needs for our home. For they are all already bought and paid for through the blood of Jesus Christ. I trust that God will heal our credit card debt. God will provide a bigger, and better vehicle, that we desperately need. God will open doors for my husband and myself, for our job directions. God will help our son, to be the little man he has called him to be. Our son will no longer need an IEP through school.
God has always will provide, and will answer our heart felt prayers. Thank you lord for all that you have done, in my life, and in my families life. May we as we go throughout this Thanksgiving day turn back to you lord, and keep our focus on you. Just be so thankful for all that you done and provided.
I am most thankful for God's forgiveness and I now, and forever stay a true follower of him. I am also most thankful for my husband, son, and all of our combined family, and friends. Yes the things of life I do enjoy, but truly I enjoy time with family and friends the most.
What are things that you are most thankful for?