Just to appease his doctor and wic office, I strated dieting. Also maybe make a legit case next time I go there, and say I am feeding him healthy foods. Such as instead of american cheese for a snack he has an apple, or popcorn. He still is around the same weight, his diet has barley changed, but I think we will see some improvement.
Dieting it good if you like myself and put on extra pounds over the holidays and still after months kept of slowly gaining. I however do not believe in most of the fad diets, because once you lost said weight, you have to start going back to your old eating habits, and food you avoided, like with certain diets. The way I do it is eating in smaller portions, and drinking more water, also most importantly exercising. Yes with my way of dieting you can still have carbs, you can still have sweets, just not as much, at least in my case, and well I think it is all over a healthy and more enjoyable way a dieting. I understand for you out there that need that extra help. But with more will and faith anything is possible. I will try to post my progress, so far these past few weeks I have started to lost a little weight. Since I do not have a scale at my own home, by postings will not be all that often but hopefully by summers end I will have made so legit progress on my weight loss
and found healthy meals, that do not take hours to prepare.